How to Enjoy the Abundant Life!


1. Become Acquainted with the Author of Life.

Discussion Guide

2. Become Familiar with the Book of Life.

Discussion Guide

3. Become Intimate with the Spirit of Life.

Discussion Guide

4. Be Committed to the True Values of Life.

Discussion Guide

5. Always Honor the Giver of Life.

Discussion Guide

Growing in Grace!


1. What does it mean to be a Christian?

Discussion Guide

2. Can we know for sure that we are going to Heaven?

Discussion Guide

3. Is the Bible really the Word of God?

Discussion Guide

4. Is Jesus really God manifested in the flesh?

Discussion Guide

5. How does the Holy Spirit relate to the world and to the believer?

Discussion Guide

6. What makes life abundant?

Discussion Guide

7. Can we continually enjoy abundant living?

Discussion Guide

8. How do we identify with Christ today?

Discussion Guide

9. How can we live above circumstances?

Discussion Guide

10. Does Satan really impact our lives today?

Discussion Guide

11. What does it mean to “walk in wisdom”?

Discussion Guide

12. How is the world going to end?

Discussion Guide

13. How can we experience life’s greatest fulfillment?

Discussion Guide

The High Calling of God!


1. Your New Life in Christ!

Discussion Guide

2. Let us go on to Perfection!

Discussion Guide

3. The Importance of the Bible!

Discussion Guide

4. The Importance of Prayer!

Discussion Guide

5. The Importance of the Church!

Discussion Guide

6. Who is God and What is God Like?

Discussion Guide

7. Sharing Your New Life in Christ!

Discussion Guide

8. Continuing in Christ!

Discussion Guide

9. Putting on the Armor of God!

Discussion Guide

10. Forgiveness and Restitution!

Discussion Guide

11. Walking in the Truth!

Discussion Guide

12. The Holy Spirit!

Discussion Guide

13. A Fulfilling Life!

Discussion Guide